Brig. Muhammad Farid
Brig. Muhammad Farid
Brig. Muhammad Farid
Secretary Health AJ&K
Progress and achievements are only possible due to the leading and guiding role of the Ministry of Health. The performance of all major programs and activities implemented under the health sector at all levels, from the community to health institutions and offices, I strongly feel that additional efforts are needed to maintain the quality of health service delivery and ensure equity. I would like to pay my sincere appreciation to all healthcare managers and health care providers working in the offices, health facilities, and community for their untiring efforts in providing health services at all levels. I would also like to thank the Directorate General of Health Services, District Health Managers, Program Directors, Chief of Sections, Medical Superintendents of Secondary and Tertiary Care Hospitals, External Development Partners, NGOs, INGOs, and the private health sector for significantly contributing to improving health status.