Hospital Management Activities

Hospital Management Activities

Accreditation of Hospitals by CPSP for FCPS Training in Ophthalmology & Dental

  • SKBZ/CMH Muzaffarabad accredited by CPSP for FCPS training in Dental
  • Divisional HQ Teaching Hospital Mirpur accredited by CPSP for FCPS training in ophthalmology

Provision of Ultrasound Machines & Ambulances

  • Ultrasound machines and ambulance in DHQ-H Kotli provided for provision of better facilitation to the patients

Mirpur Hospital from 250 – 500 bedded

  • Total cost Rs. 751.752 million (Phase-II)
  • Project was approved by AJK CDC on 9th Nov, 21

Construction & Operationalization of 150 bedded hospital at Pallandri

  • Inaugurated on 24th March 2022 , all the medical and surgical services started
  • Total cost Rs. 541.034 million (Phase-I completed)
  • Construction has been completed
  • Mostly electro-Medical Equipment has procured and installed
  • Remaining equipment and civil work amounting Rs. 496.078 million (Phase-II) is under process (phase-II)

Status of Trauma center + 200 bedded hospital

  • The 50 Kannal land has been identified for establishment of 200 bedded hospital/Trauma Center at Thotha district Muzaffarabad
  • The design / drawings is in process at Central Design Office (CDO)
  • Project to start in financial year 2022-2023