Hospital Management Activities

Hospital Management Activities

Health Policy formulation for AJ&K (Reviewed after 1996)

  • Technical Working Group for formulation of Health Policy AJ&K has been notified by Health Secretariat AJ&K
  • 03 divisional level workshops conducted involving all relevant stakeholders
  • First draft of Health Policy has been presented and shared with all stakeholders on 21.07.2022
  • Stakeholders have been asked to provide their comments/suggestions to finalize the draft which will be submitted for Government approval.
  • Finally it will be submitted to Govt. of AJ&K for approval and notification

Formulation of HealthCare Commission AJ&K

  • Draft of Healthcare Commission Act has been prepared by Directorate of Health Services and submitted in Health Secretariat.
  • Health Secretariat has submitted the draft of Healthcare Commission in Law department of AJ&K for vetting
  • Law department of AJ&K has vetted the draft and accordingly Secretariat Health has forwarded the Healthcare Commission Act in finance department of AJ&K for financial concurrence
  • After financial concurrence from Finance Department, Healthcare Commission Act will be submitted for government approval through law department